
RLL Faculty

All ladder-rank faculty in the Departments of French, Italian Studies, and Spanish & Portuguese are available to work with RLL students and to serve, if they agree to do so, as members of qualifying examination and dissertation committees in RLL.

Albert Ascoli, Professor Emeritus, Italian

Emilie Bergmann, Professor Emerita, Spanish and Portuguese

Déborah Blocker, Professor, French

Karl Britto, Associate Professor, French and Comparative Literature

Natalia Brizuela, Associate Professor, Spanish and Portuguese

William Burton, Assistant Professor, French

Anthony Cascardi, Professor, Spanish and Portuguese

Dani Cádiz Bedini, Professor, Spanish and Portuguese

Églantine Colon, Assistant Professor, French

Raul Coronoado, Associate Professor, Ethnic Studies

Justin Davidson, Assistant Professor, Spanish and Portuguese

Daylet Dominguez, Associate Professor, Spanish & Portuguese

Mia Fuller, Associate Professor, Italian Studies

Timothy Hampton, Professor, French and Comparative Literature

David Hult, Professor, French

Michael Iarocci, Professor, Spanish and Portuguese

Richard Kern, Professor, French

Akash Kumar, Assistant Professor, Italian

Henrike Christiane Lange, Assistant Professor, Italian Studies

Michael Lucey, Professor, French and Comparative Literature

Francine Masiello, Professor, Spanish and Portuguese

Susan Maslan, Associate Professor, French

Tom McEnaney, Associate Professor, Spanish & Portuguese

Ramsey McGlazer, Associate Professor, Comparative Literature

Mairi McLaughlin, Professor, French

Naseer Meerkhan, Assistant Professor, Spanish and Portuguese

Nicholas Paige, Professor, French

Diego Pirillo, Associate Professor, Italian Studies

Henry Ravenhall, Assistant Professor, French

Debarati Sanyal, Associate Professor, French

Alexandra Saum-Pascual, Associate Professor, Spanish & Portuguese

Candace Slater, Professor, Spanish & Portuguese

Barbara Spackman, Professor, Italian Studies and Comparative Literature

Estelle Tarica, Associate Professor, Spanish and Portuguese

Soraya Tlatli, Associate Professor, French

Rhiannon Noel Welch, Associate Professor, Italian Studies

Nathaniel Wolfson, Assistant Professor, Spanish and Portuguese

Liesl Yamaguchi, Assistant Professor, French

Damon Young, Assistant Professor, French and Film Studies